
Evasia is the newest BooksOpen Scholar (enrolled in Primary 1 in June, 2009).  Evasia is an orphan who lived with her widowed grandmother and cousins in a two room, beat-down brick structure on the outskirts of Himo.  In years following her husband’s death, Evasia’s grandmother was evicted several times and her home and compound was demolished by local property owners who claimed that she no longer had legal rights to it.  After the government intervened, she returned to raise four orphaned grandchildren, including Evasia.  Evasia’s grandmother is considered to be one of the “worst-off” by the community, and BooksOpen supporters have done her a great service by enrolling her smart, outgoing, and cheerful granddaughter in boarding school across town.

* Update (Fall 2018): Evasia is making great strides as a young student–happy, confident, and enthusiastic. Thanks to the support of new donors, we are able to hire Evasia a tutor for the long holiday breaks. Evasia has just passed her exams to join Mfaume and Shukuru in secondary school.

Evasia Goes To School

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